Dealing with sudden furnace breakdowns can be highly challenging and frustrating. Such issues typically happen when you have not paid attention to the proper maintenance of your furnace. Regular furnace repair and maintenance services from a professional furnace repair company in Edmonton can help you avoid such issues.
Nevertheless, there are some common signs that you must look out for to determine when you should call a furnace repair technician immediately. Let’s discuss five of these signs:
Flame’s Colour
One of the most reliable ways of judging a furnace’s efficiency is by the colour of its flame. The ideal colour is blue as this indicates that the furnace is working as per its capacity and at the right temperature.
However, a yellow or orange flame indicates that there is an issue with the furnace due to which it is not burning hot enough. One such issue can be a carbon monoxide leak.
Carbon monoxide is a highly toxic gas that must be contained as quickly as possible. Hence, if you are encountering such a problem, you should immediately get in touch with professional furnace repair services in Edmonton.
Also Read: When Is The Best Time To Get A Furnace Checkup?
The Furnace Fan Does Not Stop
Some furnaces face the issue of continuously running fans. Human error is the most common cause of this type of problem. If you are facing this issue, you should make sure that the thermostat of the furnace is set to the auto settings and not the ‘on’ position.
However, if you are not able to figure out the configurations, you should call your professional furnace repair technicians to handle it. They will thoroughly inspect the furnace and overall HVAC system to determine whether the problem is due to a human error or a mechanical failure.
Carbon Monoxide Detector Goes Off
Some people make the mistake of ignoring their gas or smoke detectors, even when they are going off. You should never make this mistake when it comes to any type of detector, especially a carbon monoxide detector that is present as part of the overall furnace system.
Carbon monoxide leaks can be highly deadly and harmful to your health, so you must take them seriously.
You need to take your carbon monoxide detector’s alarm seriously. Carbon monoxide leaks can be harmful to your home and your family, not to mention you. The reason for the detector being triggered could be because of a gas leak or a problem with your furnace’s ventilation system, both need to be addressed immediately by a professional furnace repair technician.
The Furnace Is Not Providing Warm Air
Warming up your house is the core function of a furnace system. However, if your furnace is malfunctioning, it might not provide warm air or cause cold patches to develop throughout the house.
A lot of reasons can be behind this kind of failure, such as a burned-out pilot. An inexperienced individual can’t deal with such kinds of issues, so you must hire professional furnace repair services in Edmonton to fix the furnace.
Pollutants And Smells In Your Home
No one likes having an excessive amount of dirt and dust in their house. But, it can be caused by a malfunctioning furnace. This issue is very common for old and unmaintained furnaces that have clogged or even damaged air filters. A professional furnace repair company can help you in this regard by replacing the filters.
Natural gas is odourless, but gas companies add a chemical called mercaptan to give it a smell. The smell of this chemical is similar to rotten eggs. Therefore, if you are getting such a smell from your house, there is likely to be a gas leak from your furnace. You should immediately get in touch with a furnace repair technician to sort out the issue.
About Nor-Can Heating & Air
Nor-Can Heating & Air is a professional HVAC company. We offer all types of HVAC repair and maintenance services. We also have experienced and well-trained furnace repair technicians who can repair all sorts of issues with your furnace.
Therefore, if you are facing any of the issues discussed above or want to maintain your furnace in optimum condition contact us today.